It is truly amazing: 2014 is the 20th year that Orange County has been offering…
Most photography shot courtesy of OCAG artist, Barbara Tyroler!

Sandra Milroy –
The 2012 OCAG Open Studio Tour was an exhilarating, absorbing, and altogether enjoyable experience for me this time. I have a new studio, completed the night before the first Saturday. It’s on the lower level of our house, with a private entrance and it felt like the best possible place to display my work and meet visitors in a relaxed way. There was a fairly steady flow of people who were exploring the tour, or coming as former customers, friends, and family. My sales were the best I’ve ever had from any show and it helped my morale that my most expensive piece sold on the first day. This experience has motivated me to be more productive in the coming year. My only regret, after seeing Barbara’s photos is not to have been able to get out and see these other enticing studios.
Shelly Hehenberger –
I enjoyed my first experience with the Studio Tour this year, and I am so thankful to Luna Lee Ray for offering to share her studio with me. My favorite part of the experience was talking with local art enthusiasts about my work and sharing ideas about art. I also enjoyed getting to know Luna better and finding that we have much common ground, and I look forward to sharing with her again next year. Here’s hoping that in 2013 the weather will be just as lovely as what we were blessed with this time!

Barbara Tyroler –
I so enjoyed doing the tour this year. It enabled me to spend time discussing my work, the artistic process, and receiving feedback.Not only was I able to sell many pieces, but I also received several commissions and requests for a series of mother-daughter photography workshops. And let me take this opportunity to thank the many members who did a great job organizing this tour. Bravo!

Peg Bachenheimer –
I was delighted to see so many friends and neighbors on the tour. I also love that so many people who come are very interested in the process leading to my paintings in both oil and encaustic. Some people have come all 4 of the years I’ve been doing the tour. Talking and listening helps me understand more about what I am doing in my work. I love that the buyers were so happy with owning one of my paintings; that is a really good feeling. I am very grateful that I have a husband who helps me set up and is there helping the whole weekend.

Sandra Beeman –
My favorite part of the Open Studio Tour is the opportunity to demonstrate hot glass techniques. Many visitors to my studio have no idea that my glass beads and jewelry begin by melting rods of glass in the heat of a 1300+ degree torch. When I light up my torch and start melting glass, even the most reluctant visitors to a jewelry studio gather around and ask questions. My most curious guests are kids – I have some families who make a visit to my studio an annual event!

Susan Filley –
It was a wonderful two weekends for the studio tour, even better weather then usual. I love having my studio open this time of year as I live out in the country and everything looks crisp with the touch of autumn. A regular treat at my studio is getting to greet my ever-so-friendly horse Django who hopes to say hello to everyone. I had two new kiln loads of work on display and the gorgeous copper reds were the first to go. The studio sale is the only time I can show all my work from the functional decorated bowls and cups to the sculptural one of a kind pieces. It also offers me a chance to exhibit some new work and new glazes and get to talk with people about these new ideas.

Trudy Thomson –
For those that want to wander through, I open up my studio, but as you can see from this pic, I display my arts and crafts in a natural setting — in the library and a dining room at the back of the house. Glass is positioned on tables and ledges, scarves are draped on various hooks usually reserved for hats and jackets, and fiber work as panels or screens appear at unexpected places. Because it is a comfy setting, most folks tend to linger for quite a while. I tend to get lots of repeat collectors, neighbors, and friends who come out to see what is new and also socialize. My biggest surprise this year was an unexpected visit from a long time friend, who regularly blogs about cultural events and art — Kate Dobbs Ariail. If you are interested in local culture you should check out her blog!
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