Video Thumbnail Image Credit: Stella Reneke
The Orange County Artists Guild is a non-profit organization seeking to increase the visibility and recognition of area artists and crafts people.
The Orange County Artists Guild is a group of over 100 artists based in Orange County, North Carolina. Established in 2000, the guild supports member artists with community and educational opportunities. The guild’s most visible public event is to organize and promote the annual Open Studio Tour.
The Orange County Artists Guild Spring Show Opening Reception
Friday March 7th 6:00 – 8:00PM with live music and light hors d’oeuvres.
Show on view: Feb 7 – Apr 30
New Members
Upcoming Events
2025 Carrboro Day Market Show
Show Dates: Sunday, May 4th, 2025 Location: Carrboro Pavilion Time: 1:00-5:00
Latest Blog Posts
Nature Sparks My Imagination by Heather Washburn
Early this spring I came upon these marsh grasses and loved how they danced in the breezes along the path. I tend to look to nature for inspiration and these colors and sounds sparked my imagination into suggesting a new series of pieces inspired by acoustic guitar or bluegrass while the grasses inspired the colors. Pulling out my favorite travel tools of watercolors, pips crayola markers, and pencil. I find a comfy chair, settle my watercolor pad onto my lap and pull up tunes featuring acoustic guitar…and begin. I start by listening to a piece a couple of times and…
A walk among nature’s gifts by Maya Barton
As I become more aware of native plants especially with an enormous wildlife value, I tread carefully in my unmanicured backyard discovering precious gems. I have learned to observe and document them carefully in watercolor. This is blue eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium) which actually belongs in the Iris family. It stands about 10” tall with bright blue flowers attracting hummingbirds, butterflies and a variety of iridescent insects. This is woodland poppy(Stylophorum diphylum) beautiful bright sunshine yellow. Another of nature’s gift to butterflies and bees. Let them be and they will spread beautifully. They are one of spring’s first debutantes beckoning…
Cicadas on the Brain by Betsy Vaden
For the past few weeks, we have been experiencing the constant whirring of cicadas, as they break through their exoskeletons and emerge in their adult forms to take to the air. For some of us this cacophony is annoying, but it is music to my ears as it signals the availability of cicada sheds - that exoskeleton part that is left behind. For several years I have been using the sheds in my sculptural work. Different types of cicadas hatch on different schedules, so I usually find some every year, though not the abundance we are currently experiencing. The image above…